Server Rules
Please read our server an forum rules carefully!!
If you got any questions about certain rules, you can always ask our GM’s.
If you got any questions about certain rules, you can always ask our GM’s.
Server Rules
Do not use any kind of hack. Usage of hack program will get you permantly banned ( IP and Account )
It's not allowed to sell your account, the account will be banned if you are trying to do so. If you are not the true owner of the account; passwords cannot be changed or recovered once lost.
Whenever your account has been shared we will not help to trace and recover your gear.Character recovery can be provided.
Abusing a bug to your advantage of could lead to a character block or account block.
Asking about how to hack or abuse bugs will result in a permanent account ban.
It's not allowed to use other languages than English in the global chats. ( /c /e ) /e is for trading purpose only.
Insulting of GM's or Admins will not be tolerated, will lead to an chatblock. ( in harsh cases even a ban )
Keep your lanquage clean and do not flame/use bad words ingame out of frustration or as a flame to another player.
Using inappropriate account /character names will result in an account ban.
It's not allowed to use flaming/cursing words as charname/guildname. ( Name will be changed without warning. )
Attempt to fake an GM/Admin will result in a permanent account ban.
It's not allowed to use the word “GM or ADM” in your Guild logo. your guild will be deleted when doing so.
Any kind of Advertising other Ryl Servers or websites, will result in a chatblock or account ban. ( this also counts for non ryl related advertisements. )
Do not ask GM’s / Admins for items or level’s. If you do ask for items/levels then your chat will be blocked.
Any kind of fametransfer is not allowed. Fametransfer will result in fame resets. ( First time -50% second time –100%) and the medals will be removed from all characters.
Racism will not be tolerated and will result into an permanent ban. Using a racism Guild logo or Charname will also result in an account ban
It's not allowed to dual log 2 accounts in Frozen Caernarvon and Arena. We will do the same punishment as fame transfer ( First time -50% second time –100% ) the medals will also be removed from all characters.
It's not allowed to use a second char to call/buff yourself and your pt, your caller/buffer ID will be banned. Using a callbot/buffbot for a second time will get your main account banned.
In-game scamming is not allowed and will result in a permanent account ban.
Any trades involving real money is not encouraged by us, and is done so at your own risk. We are not to be held liable for any losses.
Items wich are dropped/lost/combined wrong/ or went missing during errors cannot be recovered. Because its not possible to trace them.
We recover passwords to the email of registration. If you decide to give us a fake email address you lose the right to recover your account once lost.
It's not allowed to push players showrooms, first time will be a warning, second time will be a character block for 24 hours. When reporting someone for it we require a video of a player doing it.
After being muted 10 times for using /e when you're not suppose to ( it's meant for trading, nothing else ) a 7 day suspension will be applied on the account. If the player would continue to use /e for none trading purpose after the suspension, a number of max 3 mutes will given before a permanent account ban will be applied
Forum Rules
Other languages than English aren’t allowed in our forums ( unless other stated by an GM ).
Do not make double posts. Use the edit button !! ( double posts will be deleted )
Double posts are only allowed when 24 hours have past and then only to “bump” your topic.
Do not flame any forum members, all flames will be deleted ( Flaming can result in a forum ban )
Forum account names must not contain any flames or bad lanquage.
It's not allowed to promote other RYL / ROW Servers in our forum.
Do not link to sites that is considered under aged sites.
Do not make topics against decisions made by a GM/Admin but discuss this with the Admins.
Don’t make 2 topics about the same subject.
Make topics in the right section. If you are not sure where to post an certain topic, then you can always ask an Admin or GM.
Racism will not be tolerated in the forums.
Making an fake Admin or GM in the forum will result in an Website block ( ban by ip and account!! )
Facebook Fanpage Rules
Only talk english on our facebook page..
Do not advertise any other rylserver then Northpole on our facebook page.
Racism will not be tolerated on our page.
Do not link to sites that is considered under aged sites.
Do not spam.
Do not ask for hacks or bug explanations on our facebook page. Doing so will result in removage from group.
Respect everyone on our page and do not flame any other users. Keep all your language clean.
Our rules can change at any time. Our server team can decide to act differently than the rules written above in harsh cases or when we think it's required.