What can i do with it?
How to get Metal?
How does the monster look?
Where are the monsters located?
What can i do with it?
What is needed to make receipts?
How to get receipts?
Where is the NPC located?
Liquid Ice
How to get it?
How to use it?
Metals are usefull to upgrade your items.
Yiterni, Tobs and Ice Crystals are used to upgrade normal weapens, armors, shields etc. Then there is Platinum wich is used to upgrade your Rings or necklaces.
You can also trade your metals with people ingame.
To get metals you need to farm for it on a monster called Ancient Spirit, They arent that easy if you have low gear, so try to find a HC player who's willing to help you with farming.
If you are complete new to the game, its good to start as mage, since its easeyer for mages to farm.

When you get alot of Large TOB package then you can open them to receive random items.
Metal or gold:
- Tear Of Blacksmith 20x 25x 30x
- Yiterni Stone 50x
- Cold Coupon 25Mill
The locations are on map 3 Frozen Caernarvon.
Human Side:
Middle Crypt Island
Akkan Side:
Roche Crypt
Grand Fall Valley
Receipts are usefull to make a big stack of Metals because 250 Metal is 1 receipt so you have lot of room left in your vault.
Receipts are helpfull for trading if you want to trade 5k ice crystal,TOB or Yiterni you dont need to put 20 times 250 in the trade Window. Now you only need to trade 20 receipts and you put them all in trade window in 1 time.
To make a receipt you need to have 250 Ice Crystal,TOB or Yiterni in your invertory. Then you need to make an quest.
To get a Receipt you need to take a Quest from the Exchanger NPC's.
The locations of te npc's wich change metal in Receipts, and receipts in to metals are located in :
- Town ( Almigthy Land )
- Human Castle ( Frozen Caernarvon )
- Akkan Castle ( Frozen Caernarvon )
Its close to the General Merchant.[/center]
250 Ice-->1 Platinum
250 Tob-->125 Ice
250 Yit-->125 Tob
Platinum is used to upgrade Rings and Necklaces.
from level +1 to level +3 To get your Necklace or Ring to be Ancient, You need to do the Ancient Quest beside the Cathedral shop.
You can buy Liquid Ice at The Cathedral Shop. Its on map 1 beside Vault can't be missed.

You take your Liquid Ice in your invertory and hold them on the 250 Ice,Tob,Yit if its getting White just click on it and your new metal is there. 125 Ice Crystal, TOB, or 1 Platinum, depends on wich metal you were changing.
If you are doing the Receipt Quest do not deleted the Quest if its not completed it will deleted your Receipts whitout getting ice back.